
So why wait? Today there are many sports companies selling these shoes

So why wait? Today there are many sports companies selling these shoes in the market, and one can easily buy a pair off the shelf from any of the sporting stores of companies like Brooks, New balance, Vebram etc. Judging by the huge response generated by, and to, the concept of minimalistic shoes, health watchers and the global sports industry in general feel that minimalistic running shoes is an idea whose time is now. This is because after decades and decades of churning shoes with all possible colours and comforts, there is today a big push, both within the industry and from users across the world to go back to the basics, to do things like walking and running the way our bodies were naturally supposed to do them.

This is where minimalist shoes come into the picture, because these one-of-a-kind shoes take us the closet to bare feet walking and running, something which are feet where originally designed to do. Things like fancy shoes and socks are all inventions of men to make their running and walking exercises more pleasant and less taxing.
But when you think about it, you realise that all these fashionable new shoes and their accompanying paraphernalia has not really done much for your feet, as globally complaints of leg ache, cramps and foot sprains have only increased over the years.

Hence, the call for designing and creating these minimalistic shoes, which ensure that all the muscles in your legs and feet get a complete workout every time you take even the smallest of walks.Minimalistic running shoes, in particular, promise to ‘stretch and strengthen new muscles in your feet and lower legs to help you become more in tune with the running experience’.

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